+27 (0)21 422 2352
+27 (0)86 527 2846

Privacy statement

Download our POPI Policy here | View our cookie-use policy

Contact information displayed on our website is personal information in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, and may not be incorporated into any filing system for any purpose.



Contact the Information Officer

If you have any requests or complaints relating to the information we process about you and your access to that information, you may contact our Information Officer Mandy Cupido at mandy@clarkcupido.co.za or P O Box 902, Green Point, 8051, subject to the conditions listed in our Data Access & Protection Manual

Section 18 POPIA notification

Personal Information

Personal information received from third parties

Private correspondence

Privacy The content of correspondence, including but not limited to email, fax, and text messages we send to you personally, is never intended for public access – it is intended for the addressee only, and may include protected personal information about us, you, other people or juristic persons. If you are not the intended recipient of such correspondence, do not forward, disseminate or publish its content – doing so may be a violation of data protection regulation. Please notify us and destroy the content. We apologise for any inconvenience, and guarantee to rectify the mistake with immediate effect.


Security You accept that no correspondence can be guaranteed to be 100% secure or error free. We do not accept liability for any errors in its content, or for harm resulting from the unauthorised interception, access, use, publication, dissemination or destruction of its content.


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