+27 (0)21 422 2352
+27 (0)86 527 2846

Access to Information

We make this manual available to assist you in protecting your right to access to information and your right to protection of personal information.

Download our PAIA / POPIA manual here


Access to Information

In terms of your constitutional right of access to information and the Promotion of Access to Information Act (2 of 2000), you may request access to any information about us or held by us, subject to these conditions:

  • You need that information to exercise or protect your rights;
  • The legal grounds for refusal don’t apply to your request;
  • You have duly completed Form C : Request for Access to Record of Private Body and sent to our Information Officer;
  • You have paid the prescribed fee(s).


Personal Information

In terms of your constitutional right to privacy and the Protection of Personal Information Act (4 of 2013), you may at any time, free of charge, request us to confirm whether or not we process personal information about you, and a full description of that information.

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Vunani Chambers, 33 Church St, Cape Town
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